KID found the most popular blogs on our site during the COVID-19 quarantine. We thought it would be helpful to share with you too. Below are our top five most viewed blogs since March 2020.

1. “A Few Alarming Products We’ve Seen Lately” posted February 10, 2016

The most popular blog our viewers visited was about dangerous products made for sleeping babies. Although this blog is from 2016, so the “we’ve seen lately” isn’t as true anymore, our blog about dangerous products made for sleeping babies still contains vital information about dangerous products, such as the Snuggle Me Premium Lounging & Bed Sharing Cushions for Baby and the Babo Cush New Born Comfort Cushion. Babies sleep safest in a crib, play yard or bassinet that hasn’t been recalled and meets the federal standard. The only product in a crib should be a tight-fitting mattress with a fitted sheet. Babies should be placed on their back and wear footed pajamas or wearable blankets if needed for warmth.

2. Take a closer look at your baby’s pacifier posted August 3, 2012

Our second most viewed blog was this post from 2012 which looked at the harm that some pacifiers have caused and calls for either a strengthened federal standard for pacifiers or more enforcement to keep non-compliant pacifiers off the market. Parents and caregivers should frequently check the pacifiers in their homes for wear and tear and replace ones that are worn.  Report pacifiers that break or pose a danger at

3. Car Seat Recommendations for New Parents posted September 1, 2017 

This post focuses on helping parents and caregivers buy a safe car seat. KID recommends that you don’t buy a secondhand car seat, as it may have been in a crash. Check for car seats that have been recalled, and check that you’re buying the right car seat for your child’s age and weight. After purchasing it, register it online so that you can be informed if it is ever recalled. Our blog provides also provides some tips on how to install and safely use a car seat.

4. Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play: How to Participate in the Recall posted August 2, 2019

Last year, over 4 million units of the Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play were recalled after dozens of reported deaths – and several more infants have died since. We posted this blog which contains an instructional video about how to get a refund or voucher if you have a Rock ‘n Play. No inclined sleeper is safe for infant sleep. If you still own a Rock ‘n Play, remove it from use, and participate in the recall.

5. KID’s Statement on the Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play Sleeper Recall posted April 12, 2019

One of the most-talked recalls in recent memory (and reported on by the media) was the Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play. KID’s statement provides a timeline recall, starting with the CPSC warning about deaths in infant inclined sleep products. We then explain how only people who have owned the product for six months or less get the refund, others get vouchers, and called on Fisher-Price to provide more remedies for consumers who own this deadly product.

What types of KID blogs interest you the most? Let us know in the comments below or on our Facebook post on this!