Following two news stories last week on crib bumper pads, one in the Chicago Tribune and the other at the Houston NBC affiliate, KPRC, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan has released a warning to Illinois consumers. The AG’s office has released an alert poster warning of the dangers of crib bumper pads as well as a letter to the Juvenile Product Manufacturers Association calling on that industry group to release a study they have conducted on bumper pads and take “immediate and substantial action to address the hazards associated with crib bumpers.”

The families featured in both news stories have also shared their children’s (Preston and Aiden) stories with KID’s Family Voices. Certainly their stories will encourage most parents to remove crib bumper pads (and sleep positioners) from their child’s sleep environment immediately.

KID believes a safe sleep environment is a crib, bassinet or portable crib/play yard that meets CPSC and ASTM standards with a tightly fitted sheet and a baby placed on its back — nothing else should be in the crib. Sleepers and wearable blankets can help parents avoid possible hazardous blankets in the crib.