
KID was founded in 1998 by the parents of Danny Keysar, who died in his Chicago childcare facility when a recalled portable crib collapsed around his neck. As we know, cribs are just one of many sleep products that children come into contact with, and just one of many products designed for sleep that may prove to be dangerous. In light of Danny’s story, KID is committed to fighting for the safety of all children’s products, but especially products designed for sleep.
We know that Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) and accidental suffocation are the leading causes of preventable death among infants (1 and under). According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), 70 infants die yearly in infant sleep product incidents, and another 13,000 are treated in hospital emergency rooms for infant sleep product incidents. Unfortunately, there are many things that we still do not understand about why SUID and SIDS affect some children and not others. However, there are some factors that are under caregivers’ control – those relating to infant sleep environments.
Follow the ABCs of safe sleep at every sleep time: 1) Baby is Alone and has their own separate sleep space. 2) Baby is placed to sleep on their Back, and 3) baby sleeps in a Crib, play yard or bassinet that meets the federal safety standard.
Other products such as crib bumper pads, pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, or toys should not be in the sleep environment. This includes pillows that are intended to change an infant’s head shape or symmetry or claim to prevent or treat any medical condition.
Watch our safe sleep video below as a doctor educates an expectant mom about the ABCs of sleep, KID’s principle of safe sleep, and learning about recalls. Note: Our demonstration doll has an attached hat, but to prevent overheating, your baby should never wear a hat indoors or while sleeping.
Here’s a shorter PSA version that you can share on social media:
Click here to access KID’s safety materials with more information on safe sleep practices, including our Product Safety Guide and Safe Sleep Checklist.
Click on one of the products below to learn about these specific hazards:
Read the KID Blog
Visit the KID blog to read more about home product safety and learn about news relating to children product news and recalls.
KID BlogFamily Voices
Read more about children who have been injured or killed as a result of dangerous children’s products on our Family Voices page.
Family Voices