Winter is here! Sledding is fun for the whole family, whether you’re at a local hill or your neighborhood park. To prevent your child from getting injured, use the proper equipment to have a fun day in the snow.

A properly-fitted helmet will prevent head injuries, whether a snow sports helmet or a bicycle helmet. If your child needs to stay warm by wearing a hat, readjust their helmet so it fits correctly. Don’t buy helmets secondhand. If they’ve been used in a crash, they will not protect your child from injury.

Snow tubes or round disk sleds can be risky since they cannot be steered. Instead, opt for a sled that allows some steering. Check sleds often for any broken or missing parts. Review the manufacturer’s guidelines to see how many passengers a sled can safely hold.

For more information on sledding safety, visit Prevent Child Injury. Visit the CPSC’s database to check your products for recalls and incident reports, and to report any product incidents. Let us know if you have other sledding safety tips in the comments below or on our Facebook page.