Product Hazards – Portable Cribs

Portable cribs are often used in childcare facilities or in smaller spaces. They are cribs that are smaller than full-size cribs and can often be collapsed for ease of mobility. Portable cribs do not have mesh/net/screen or other non-rigid construction. Items with these materials are considered play yards. Portable or non-full size cribs adhere to the crib standards which went into effect June 28, 2011. To ensure your child’s safety be sure to buy a portable crib that was made on or after June 28, 2011.
In a 2002 CPSC report, 156 crib-related deaths were reported to CPSC. Of these deaths, 17 involved non-full sized or portable cribs and 77 involved cribs of unknown type. Many of these deaths were as a result of the manufacturing malfunctions that would result in the child becoming entrapped in the side of the crib or strangled.
According to a KID report, for the first time in ten years no cribs were recalled in 2016. This demonstrates that 2010’s mandatory crib standards have a positive effect on crib safety.
Historically, a recall or a corrective action had been issued for other portable cribs and play yards for various reasons:
- Risk of serious injury or death if mis-assembled
- Choking or entanglement hazards
- Head entrapment or suffocation
- Risk of injury from tipping when legs on the product become loose and separate.
19 Deaths—The Horrific Legacy of Portable Cribs
- Arnold, 1991
- Elissa, 1992
- Elizabeth, 1993
- William, 1995
- Daniel, 1998
- William, 1998
- Zachary, 1993
- Jordon, 1994
- Troy, 1996
- Dominick 1999
- Riley, 2000
- Ethan, 2001
- Nicholas, 1996
- 14 mo old girl, 2005
- Euan, 2007
- Tyler, 1994
- Ashton, 1995
- Jared, 1997
- 2 year old boy, 2003
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