Safe From The Start (SFTS)

Safe from the Start is KID’s initiative to reach families and caregivers with vital product safety information. SFTS is an established resource on children’s product safety. Nationally, we work with networks of healthcare professionals, caregivers and parents to widely disseminate KID’s safety resources and information. Locally, we work to save young lives in Illinois by facilitating workshops at parenting groups, childcare facilities and community centers, and by integrating KID safety materials into pediatric waiting rooms, childcare facilities and other points of contact with parents.
Safe from the Start offers a variety of materials to help you check for and stay informed of recalls and unsafe children’s products. Visit SFTS’s What can you do page for action steps you can take right now to protect children under your care.
For childcare providers: Did you know? As part of the historic Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission voted in December 2010 to adopt the strongest crib standards in the world. This tough new standard goes far in ensuring a safe sleep environment for babies and toddlers by discontinuing the full drop-side design so prone to hardware failure, conducting rigorous testing for slat and mattress strength and durability, and mandating better warning labels to help parents assemble and use the crib.
All cribs sold, new or used, must meet the new standard as of June 28, 2011. Public accommodations–hotels, guest houses, childcare facilities, etc.—have until December 28, 2012 to replace non-compliant cribs.
This new requirement may seem overwhelming and raise questions about how to comply by that date. KID is here to help you. Read this blog post to learn more. We will be regularly updating this blog with information for providers and you can also sign up for our email listserv dedicated to childcare and product safety issues. Consult this handy flyer to learn the answers to your Frequently Asked Questions.