My name is Martin. I am from Switzerland and studied for two months at EF Language School Chicago. To practice my English and connect with local people, I decided to combine the language school with an internship or volunteering. So, EF Chicago told me about KID and helped me arrange an interview.

From my first moments at KID, I knew that I would appreciate working for this organization. I liked their mission, improving the world by making it a safer place for children, and the KID team. My work in Switzerland is in the field of education and I also have some experience in product development. At KID I worked on the Test Program. I was able to develop and revise materials for the High School and University Program. This work was very interesting, but also difficult and time-consuming. All the materials were in English, and I had very little knowledge of product safety or KID. Furthermore, the school system in the US is different from Switzerland, and even the computer keyboard is different. I always expected the ‘y’ to be where the ‘z’ was, because they are reversed in Switzerland. Nevertheless, I tried to give it my all.

I had a great experience at KID and learned and benefited a lot in different areas. I now see product safety from a different point of view. I hope that the work I completed will help KID as well as influence the future by educating students about product safety and making the world safer for the children in the future.

The time has passed very quickly, and I must go back to Switzerland. It is great to know that there are people who are very committed to the cause of product safety!

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