Windows are a great way for children to connect with the outside world. From looking at critters running in tree branches to seeing a friend walking on the sidewalk – but it only takes a second for a child to fall out of one. This can cause head and brain injuries, broken bones, and even death.

Every year, more than 3,300 children younger than five years old are treated in U.S. emergency departments for injuries related to window falls. That’s about nine children each day.

This week is #WindowSafetyWeek. Here are some easy steps you can take to prevent window falls with curious children:

  • Install it. Screens are not strong enough to keep a child from falling. They are only designed to keep bugs out, not kids in. Installing window guards or stops is the best way to prevent a child from falling out of an open window. Find out more about window guards and stops as well as tips on where to buy them here.
  • Lock it. Keep windows locked when they are closed. Only open windows that children can’t reach.
  • Teach it. Create a no-play zone by moving all toys and decorations away from windows. Teach children not to play in this area.

If a fall does occur: Don’t try to move your child; call 911 immediately. Learn more about window falls and safety at Prevent Child Injury.

Window treatments with cords pose a strangulation and entrapment hazard to children and babies. To keep children safe, install cordless coverings. If there is no option to replace window coverings, secure cords out of sight. Read more at Parents for Window Blind Safety.