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This Month's Recall Digest (English & Spanish)
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KID FY 2022 Annual Report

JUNE 2021 – MAY 2022

Dear KID Friends & Supporters

Dear KID friends and supporters,

The fiscal year covered by this report ended on May 31, 2022. While COVID rates were still high, life for many was returning to some semblance of the ‘before COVID’ times. As you’ll read and see below, KID’s work also began to involve more in-person events, including not one, but two Best Friend Award Nights in this fiscal year – a hybrid event held in the fall 2021 and back in person in May 2022.

Our commitment to protecting children by fighting for product safety stayed strong. This year, we expanded our design safety focus to develop new tools for product designers and entrepreneurs. We strengthened ties with our coalition partners and parent advocates as we worked together to expand safety regulations for children’s products. We continued outreach efforts to provide parents and caregivers with the tools they need to keep children safe through workshops, educational materials and our lively social media platforms.

We greatly appreciate the significant commitment from Amazon to build our KID Design Safety Toolkit along with others such as BreathableBaby. The project will provide game-changing information for entrepreneurs and others who previously had little access to design safety beyond compliance.

Keep scrolling and learn more about our efforts and progress in Fiscal Year 2022—thanks to your support. The year ahead will pose unique challenges to our work keeping children safe. Please consider making a contribution to KID to sustain our work. We cannot state strongly enough that we cannot do it without you.

Nancy Cowles
Executive Director
Shawn Kasserman

KID Mission & Focus

Kids In Danger (KID) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting children by fighting for product safety. KID’s mission is to save lives by enhancing transparency and accountability through safer product development, better education, and stronger advocacy for children.

KID was founded by the parents of Danny Keysar who was killed by a poorly designed recalled portable crib in his child care home.

View More Family Voices


KID continues to advocate on behalf of families to strengthen standards on children’s products – through standards settings and federal advocacy. In June 2021, KID joined 23 other nonprofits, advocacy groups, and industry associations in calling for Congress to increase funding for the CPSC so the agency can adequately fulfill its mission. KID and our product safety allies called on the Senate to pass the STURDY Act which would help prevent furniture tip-overs. The STURDY Act was reintroduced in the Senate with broad support, and the U.S. House passed an earlier version of the bill. In May 2022, President Biden signed the Safe Sleep for Babies Act into law. This law bans the manufacture or sale of padded crib bumper pads and infant inclined sleep products which have led to dozens of infant deaths.

KID and other consumer groups and manufacturers called on Congress to pass the STURDY Act.
Nancy Cowles speaking at a press conference in support of the INFORM Consumers Act with Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, Senator Dick Durbin, and Walgreens.

KID Board of Directors

June 2021 to May 2022

Shawn Kasserman, PresidentPartner, Tomasik Kotin Kasserman Trial Lawyers
Brendan Keefe, TreasurerGlobal Process Internal Audit Director, Mars Inc.
  • Larry GoldenSr. Maintenance and Compliance Engineer, GATX Corp
  • Amy Hill, MSExecutive Director, Injury Prevention & Research Center, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
  • Benjamin Hoffman, MDProfessor of Pediatrics, Doernbecher Children’s Hospital and Oregon Health and Science University
  • Prashanth KamathSr. Leader, Product Management, CoreLogic
  • Heather L. MasonRetired, Abbott VP
  • Donald MaysFounder, Product Safety Insights, LLC
  • Susan NiedRetired, Sara Lee
  • Marisol Pantoja, MBA, CPAVice President, Chief Audit Executive, Transunion
  • Ayesha RafiquePartner, US Advisory Leader – Consumer Products, Deloitte & Touche LLP
  • Shehnaz SafiuddinMarketing & Product Development Executive
  • David ZivanEditor in Chief,

  • Young Professionals Board

  • Alissa GriffinPresident

  • Megan Barrera
  • Hannah Costigan Cowles
  • Ashley Daniel
  • John Lopez
  • Chuck Porcelli
  • Hannah Rhodes
  • Tommie Robinson
  • Sheila Shankar

  • KID Staff

    Nancy CowlesExecutive Director
    Dev GowdaAssistant Director
    Natalija KosicAdministrative Assistant
    Sahiti PidapartiProgram Associate

    Work Study, Interns and Volunteers (FY 2022)

    Our interns and volunteers have been working remotely since the pandemic, and we’ve continued to recruit interns from all over the country. Interns and volunteers worked on a wide variety of projects including leading Safe From the Start workshops in Spanish, creating new educational materials, expanding our social media outreach, and assisted staff in writing research reports. They also took part in event planning and fundraising at our annual Best Friend Award Night events. We would not be able to do all that we do without our interns and volunteers, and we thank them for their hard work and dedication.

  • Anahi Alcoser Bravo
  • Kasey Campos
  • Haohao (Yolanda) Chen
  • Caitlin Chiri
  • Ashley Daniel
  • Ashley Delgado
  • Damian Hurtado
  • Jessica Kasperek
  • Helen Kim
  • Phani Lanka
  • Rachel Lewandowski
  • Liz Meza
  • Gloria Parra
  • Camila Poggi
  • Taylor Radack
  • Hannah Rhodes
  • Jamie Sage
  • Madonna Salto
  • Louis Schaffer
  • Sinduri Soundararajan
  • Swathi Sureshmoorthy
  • Yasmeen Van Schaik
  • Autumn Williams
  • By the Numbers


    volunteer hours ($25,971 value)



    work study hours ($17,389 value)



    total hours ($43,360 value)

    The Year in Action


    KID Safety Design Toolkit

    KID has developed the KID Design Safety Toolkit, a new tool to provide small and medium sized children’s products companies with the tools they need to design, develop, and market products more safely. This year, with the assistance of experts in a wide variety of fields KID has developed a curriculum of meaningful and action-oriented content to help designers remove the hazards before the product is launched. Working with a production team, KID filmed panels of experts discussing a wide array of topics including consumer behavior, designing with safety in mind, marketing for safety, and more. The Toolkit was funded largely by Amazon, and KID also received funding for the Toolkit from BreathableBaby.

    “Helping new entrepreneurs and selling partners gain the knowledge and know how they need to develop and sell safe products benefits all consumers.”

    - Mark Fellin, Amazon’s Head of Product Trust & Regulatory Compliance

    Note: While this report covers our fiscal year that ended May 31, 2022, we are happy to report the Toolkit has been launched.

    ‘Designing for Safety’ Panel.
    ‘Understanding Consumer Behavior’ panel.
    KID talked about the Toolkit at ICPHSO’s Annual Meeting and Training Symposium.

    TEST Program

    KID has worked with university level engineering students since 2003 through our Teach Early Safety Testing (TEST) program. This year we worked with teams at Boise State University for the first time, and continued our important partnership with University of Michigan Engineering. Last fall (2021), a team at Michigan worked to reduce the hazards associated with ingestion of button or coin cell batteries. Their prototype was a case for these batteries that protected children from point of purchase of the batteries to disposal after use. The team continued working on the prototype through independent study after their course completed and even won funding for pursuing product development. Another team addressed furniture tip-over by designing a dresser for a child’s room that was not tippable, yet was functional for its intended use.

    In the spring, Boise State University students began a two-semester project that will continue into Fall 2022, focused on hazards with changing tables. A University of Michigan team also addressed hazards with changing tables, as well as attempting to improve smoke detector safety through ease of maintenance. The team studied smoke detector use in homes and made removal for battery replacement easier as well as integrating solar power to extend the life of the batteries.

    University of Michigan Engineering students address hazards in changing tables.


    KID has been developing, a browser extension that will give consumers safety information about products they buy online. Shoppers on Amazon, eBay, and Craigslist can view recalls, consumer reports of incidents, and injury information for products online. Working on led us to see the shortcomings both of relying on CPSC data sources and a browser extension as a delivery device and we are refocusing on new ways to get information to consumers.


    Tracking Trends: Children's Product Recalls in 2021

    KID’s annual report on recalled children’s products, Tracking Trends: Children's Product Recalls in 2021, found that deaths, injuries, and incidents reported prior to the recall increased tremendously since the previous year. In 2021, there were 14 deaths, 136 injures, and 6,058 incidents prior to recall, compared to 2020 in which there were no deaths, nine injuries, and 704 incidents.

    Recalls of nursery products were associated with the highest number of deaths in last year’s recalls of children’s products. The Boppy Newborn Loungers and Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Glide Soothers together led to 12 deaths prior to recall. Almost all the deaths were to babies who fell asleep in the products, despite them not being safe for sleep. While there were only four recalls for ingestion hazard, one of these products, Zen Magnets and Neoballs Magnets, accounted for 10,000,000 units, and led to two injuries and one death prior to recall.

    The CPSC’s required monthly progress reports (MPR) include companies’ reports on their recall efforts – and continue to be lackluster. KID filed 63 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for MPRs for recalls in 2020 and received very little data to analyze. Fewer than 10% of the reports has usable data available to review and even that data was incomplete and unreliable.

    KID will continue to press CPSC and Congress to improve both recall effectiveness and consumer access to recall and other data hidden away at CPSC.

    Increase in Deaths Reported Prior to Recall in 2021

    Small Magnets Account for 52% of all Units Recalled

    Public Education and Outreach

    Throughout the year, KID led virtual presentations of our Safe From the Start workshop for Family Focus Englewood and in Spanish for the Thompson Family Services Center. KID also provided safety resources to the Chicago communities at the 17th Annual Family Health & Fitness Fair and the 30th Ward Back to School Health Fair to keep children safe.

    Our social media and email reach significantly increased through more interactive content. Our Instagram followers more than doubled and Facebook and Twitter continued to grow steadily. Dozens of blog posts covering seasonal safety tips, important safety and recall news, advocacy updates and KID highlights helped keep our community informed.

    KID interns distributed educational materials to Chicago families.

    "Because of this workshop, I'm going to pay more attention to recalled items."

    - Safe From the Start workshop attendee

    In FY 2022, KID distributed over 1,000 booklets and other safety info including:

  • ProductTotal
  • Children's Product Safety Guide (English):457
  • Children's Product Safety Guide (Spanish):142
  • Safe Sleep Checklist (English): 151
  • Safe Sleep Checklist (Spanish): 25
  • KID Magnets: 74
  • KID Bookmarks: 26
  • KID Brochures: 38
  • Other: 99
  • Events

    Young Professionals Board’s Trivia Night Fundraiser

    In July 2021, KID’s Young Professionals Board (YPB) hosted its second virtual trivia night fundraiser, raising $3,000 for KID. Teams had a fun time competing against each other. Congratulations to the winning team: The Disgruntled Pelicans.

    If you’re interested in joining KID’s Young Professionals Board or know someone who would be a good fit, please contact us.

    2021 Best Friend Award Night

    In September 2021, KID honored Dr. Erin Mannen for her groundbreaking infant sleep research that has led to policy changes and has saved lives. Guests enjoyed an evening of drinks and appetizers, raffle prizes and silent auction, emceed by NBC 5 Chicago’s Lisa Parker. Dr. Mannen and Nancy Cowles held a fireside chat to discuss Dr. Mannen’s work at the Boise Applied Biomechanics of Infants (BABI) Lab at Boise State University. The event featured an intimate crowd in person, and other guests attended virtually via livestream.

    2022 Best Friend Award Night

    KID went back to the original Spring schedule for our 2022 Best Friend Award, held in May at the Gleacher Center in Chicago. KID was proud to honor Parents Against Tip-Overs (PAT), an organization founded by parents of children who lost their lives in a tip-over incident. PAT has been an ally to KID over the years to push for changes in child product safety. Attendees also heard from former KID Best Friend honoree and child safety champion Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (IL-9).

    Financial FY22

    Summary of Financial Position as of May 31, 2022


  • Current Assets
  • Fixed Assets
  • Total Assets
  • $315,552
  • $0
  • $315,552
  • Liabilities & Net Assets

  • Current Liabilities
  • Net Assets
  •    Without Donor Restrictions
  •    With Donor Restrictions
  •    Total Net Assets
  • Total Liabilities & Net Assets
  • $73,445
  • ($50,872)
  • $292,979
  • $242,107
  • $315,552
  • Summary of Revenues & Expenses

    Net Assets Support

  • Net Fundraising Support
  • Public Contributions
  • Interest Income
  • IRS Employee Retention Credit
  • Assets Released from Restriction
  • Total Support
  • $84,413
  • $137,893
  • $1,177
  • $46,874
  • $150,241
  • $420,616
  • Expenses

  • Program Services
  • Administration
  • Total Expenses
  • Increase in Net Assets
  • $409,731
  • $59,903
  • $469,634
  • ($49,018)
  • Summary of Expenses

    Sources of Support

    Thank You to Our Generous Donors!

    Champions ($15,000+)

  • Amazon
  • Linda Ginzel & Boaz Keysar
  • William Prinzmetal
  • Defenders ($10,000-$14,999)

  • Feldman Shepherd LLP
  • Lisa Turano
  • Protectors ($5,000-$9,999)

  • Abbott Laboratories
  • BreathableBaby
  • Tomasik Kotin Kasserman LLC
  • Janet McGee
  • Danny & Anne Shapiro
  • Lisa Turano
  • The Turano Foundation
  • Heroes ($2,500-$4,999)

  • American Legion Child Welfare Foundation
  • Sally Blount
  • Sarah Clarke & Omri Ben-Shahar
  • Consumer Reports
  • Mary Dempsey
  • GATX Corporation
  • Susan Goldin-Meadow
  • Richard Larrick & Cynthia Monarrez
  • France Leclerc & Richard Thaler
  • Perry Lentine & Heather Mason
  • Don Mays & Jonea Gurwitt
  • Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
  • Advocates ($1,000-$2,499)

  • Anat Admati & David Kreps
  • Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
  • Anonymous
  • Aon Foundation
  • Leslie & Blake Batterson
  • The Boeing Company
  • Mary P Brown
  • Barry Cik
  • City of Chicago Treasurer's Office
  • Anthony Cuda
  • Kay Deaux
  • Meghan DeLong
  • Theodore Eidukas
  • ESi
  • Brian Exelbert
  • Eugene & Sally Fama
  • Sonny Garg & Julia Harris
  • Ramesha Gowda
  • Anne Henly & Howard Nusbaum
  • Amy Hill
  • Prashanth Kamath
  • Dawn & Shawn Kasserman
  • Brendan M. Keefe
  • Megan Kelly & Bill Wolf
  • Landgraf Family Foundation
  • John Lineweaver
  • Kristine Mako
  • Malin Nasman
  • Susan Nied
  • Amy & Brian O'Connell
  • Barbara Passy
  • Jane Passy
  • Drs. Kyran & Maura Quinlan
  • Ayesha Rafique & Sunil Mehra
  • Holly Raider & Jerold Lavin
  • Keith Rhoades
  • Marcia & Joseph Romano
  • Shehnaz Safiuddin
  • Samsung Electronics America, Inc
  • Tony Scott-Green & Lisa Kueng
  • Dr. Karen Sheehan & Stuart Hersh
  • Marc & Noa Shinderman
  • Lisa & Tim Siefert
  • Bob & Jill Tanz
  • Lisa Torres
  • Ira Weiss
  • Sustainers ($500-$999)

  • America's Best Local Charities
  • Arrowhead Lake Community Association
  • Susan Goldberg Brazas
  • Jeanne Brett & Steve Goldberg
  • Nancy Burton
  • Hannah Costigan Cowles & Chris Tinsley
  • Suzanne & Harry Davis
  • Emily DeMarco
  • Colleen Driscoll
  • Jonathan Eig & Jennifer Tescher
  • Kevan Flanigan
  • Carri Funk
  • Daniel T. Gilbert & Marilyn Oliphant
  • Jim & Jenny Gillespie
  • Lawrence Golden & Sarah Cycotte
  • Noah Goldstein
  • Vasanthi & H.K. Gowda
  • Robert & Frances Hughes
  • Gail Chaney Kalinich
  • Amy Kelly & Janna Lombardo
  • Jasmine Kwong & Ashwin Avasarala
  • Patricia La Malfa
  • Susan & Michael Levine
  • Gina Lowell
  • Belinda May
  • Tanya Menon Gandhi & Prithvi Gandhi
  • Justin & Marisol Swindells
  • Dayna Perlut
  • Alyssa Roach
  • Timothy & Jill Schlindwein
  • Sheila Shankar
  • Andrew Stimpson
  • Leslie & Steven Swibel
  • Linda Erf Swift
  • Joseph Torres
  • George Wu & Penny Visser
  • Andrew & Ellen Weller
  • Drew & Jen Weller
  • Rebecca White & Mike Delejewski
  • Matthew Wiesbrock
  • David Zivan & Jennifer Gorman
  • Guardians ($250-$499)

  • Suzanne Adatto
  • Deborah & Robert Z. Aliber
  • Kimberly Amato
  • Susan Annunzio & Rick Wood
  • Megan Barrera
  • John Benedict
  • Raymond & Susan Black
  • Charlene & Scott Bryeans
  • Jane & Dennis Carlton
  • Littler Mendelson
  • Andrew Chung
  • Sarah Chusid
  • David & Mary Costigan
  • Ginny & Todd Costigan
  • Ariela Keysar & Peter Coy
  • Trip Coyne
  • Erich D'Andrea
  • Thomas Deutsch
  • Laura & Rich Duff
  • Ellen & John Engel
  • Mary Ellen & Tom Fise
  • Alon & Ayelet Fishbach
  • Mary Forsythe
  • Kacey Fung
  • Terrie Jean Gale & Robert S. Adler
  • Kevin & Jojie Gallagher
  • Pamela Gilbert
  • Alissa Griffin
  • Steve & Cathy Haas
  • Tuesday Hagiwara
  • Sayuri Hayakawa & Alex Guzinski
  • Brett Horn
  • Robert Hughes, CPA
  • Samir Jabr
  • Ellie Jester
  • Paul Karabush
  • Nicole Kasserman
  • Prasanna Keragodu
  • Alex Koch
  • Ajay Lakshman
  • Barry Lesht & Kay Schichtel
  • Jen Loesch
  • Agnes Lugo-Ortiz & Diane Miliotes
  • Gale Lukat
  • Steven Marton
  • Michelle Million & Michael Ranney
  • Vaishak & Cailyn Mittur
  • John O'Laughlin & Charlotte Wager
  • Diane Gutmann & Thomas Palay
  • Sam Peltzman
  • Paul Pfleiderer
  • Tommie Robinson
  • Judy & Mark Sage
  • Karla Shepeck
  • Katie Twardak
  • Marcy A. Twardak
  • Carol's Pub
  • Joan Winstein
  • Anastasia Zakolyukina
  • Allies ($100-$249)

  • Pam Abrams & Paul Kligfield
  • Nisa Agrawal Johnson & Matt Johnson
  • Susan Allen
  • Amazon Smile
  • Anonymous
  • Brigitte Anderson
  • David & Mary Baker
  • Kenneth Bardach
  • Kevin & Melinda Bendle
  • Char Bennington
  • Marc Blumenthal & Sharon Veis
  • Barb Brandstetter
  • Lisbeth & Kevin Brilliant
  • Heather Burke
  • Rose Cammarata
  • Elisabeth & Dan Case
  • John L. Cella, Jr. & Laura D. Prail
  • Shereen Chaudhry
  • Will Chung
  • Barbara & Joel Cooper
  • Amy Cordell Design
  • Elizabeth & David Cornelius
  • Linda Covington & Steven Sloman
  • Joe Costigan & Nancy Cowles
  • Robert Creamer
  • Kari Danek
  • Judith Dow
  • Craig & Joleen Dudek
  • Ellen Rudnick & Paul Earle
  • Mary English & Ellen Wildman
  • Deborah Fallahay
  • Bob & Ann Farr
  • Hayley Fink
  • Robert & Elizabeth Friedman
  • Susan Gelman
  • Joanne Gilbert & Mike Bishop
  • Elissa & Craig Goldsmith
  • Leigh Burnett & John Grant
  • Li Guo
  • Varun Gupta
  • Jennifer Henderson
  • Benjamin Hoffman, MD
  • Cecilia Horan
  • Amy Howland
  • Pamela Hoxsey
  • Dr. Edny Inui
  • Matthew Johnson
  • John Kasserman
  • Larry Katzenstein
  • Leslie Kay & Maryellen Begley
  • Elliot Kaye
  • Joanne & John Keefe
  • Sandra Keefe
  • Edward & Shelley Keller
  • Lynn Kelley
  • Ed & Kay Kendall
  • Tomer Keysar
  • Pam & Igor Klebanov
  • Don Kornblet
  • Claire Kozak
  • Jennifer LaMalfa
  • Evan Lessinger
  • Debbie Lewis
  • JoAnn Slama Lighty
  • Matt & Sara Logar
  • Stefanie Lombardo
  • Ms. Irene Lubin
  • Molly Lynyak
  • Michelle Macy
  • Martin & Debra Marcus
  • Carmen Marti
  • Geoffrey Martin & Gwendolyn Hope
  • Joe & Jennifer Miller
  • Tanner Mitchell
  • Saurabh Mittal
  • Victor Mor-Avi
  • Austin Nelson
  • Margret Nickels
  • Leo & Cam Niederman
  • Laura Nikolovska
  • Aromie Noe & Halsey Rogers
  • Allison Nokes
  • Reilly O'Connell
  • Lisa Olney
  • Carol Pollack-Nelson & Howard Nelson
  • Jacqueline Ponder
  • Sarah Presser & Brian Mack
  • Lihi & Gadi Prudovsky
  • Katherine Ranft
  • Natalie Rende
  • Bradley Renner
  • Richard Rosati
  • Rachel & Chuck Rosenberg
  • Scott & Diane Salk
  • Kim Scalise
  • Holly Schroth
  • Michelle Scott
  • Arya Setiadharma
  • Steve Shevell & Jeanne Marsh
  • Barry & Tina Silverman
  • Laura Skosey
  • Edward Smith
  • Kami Snowbarger
  • Patrick Staunton
  • Daniel Sternberg
  • Jeffrey Stewart
  • Will Stogsdill
  • David Story
  • Marion Synowiec
  • Katherine & Kenneth Tallering
  • Cyril & Jacqueline Thiel
  • Capt. & Mrs. Robert Thompson
  • Jean Tinsley
  • Courtney & Paul Wachtel
  • William Wallace
  • Kenet Weed
  • Robert & Donna Weinstein
  • Karen & John Wheatley
  • Halden Williams
  • Xiaoling Xu
  • Orit Onyoga & Tzachi Zamir
  • Zoller Swanson & Co.
  • Katie Zonavetch
  • View More

    Supporters ($1-$99)

  • Kathy Allen
  • Bob Altkorn
  • Umair Amin
  • Lorenzo Andreani
  • Artyom Andreev
  • Antonio Arenas
  • Yasmin Asghari
  • Patience Baach
  • Megana Ballal
  • Juan Barrera
  • Minna Barrera
  • Michelle Barry
  • Michele Bender
  • Paulo Blanc
  • Jeffrey Blumenthal
  • Keisha Bowles
  • Cody Braun
  • Pam Caldwell
  • Hayley Casselman
  • Virginia Chandler
  • Felicia Clark
  • Elizabeth Costigan
  • Courtney Davan
  • Charles Daviet
  • Steve Davis
  • Jenny DeGroot
  • Selene Diaz
  • Wayne Dieterle
  • Scott Ellis
  • Pascoal Fernando
  • Judy Ferry
  • Freddie Flores
  • Jocelyn Ford
  • Samantha Forrest
  • Elliot & Tamar Frolichstein-Appel
  • Nick Furtwengler
  • Kendal Garrett
  • Janet Geipel
  • GivingForce Foundation
  • Dev Gowda
  • Zack Green
  • Dora Gu
  • Daniela Guardado
  • James & Priscilla Guest
  • Helen Hale
  • Gary Hensley
  • Kunal Jain
  • Rob Jenter
  • Ms. Virginia Jones
  • Tesoro Kanwit
  • Aekyoung Kim
  • Nadia Kountoures
  • Jaclyn Kramer
  • Kevan Kresl
  • Gaurav Kumar
  • Thien Le
  • Melissa Lemein
  • Nora Newcombe & Jeffrey Lerner
  • David Levy
  • UL Employee Giving Program
  • Adithya Madabhushi
  • Bhaskar Madamsetty
  • Paul Mako
  • Julia Marshall
  • Nancy Maruyama, RN
  • Allison Mason
  • Karen McCarthy
  • Ashley McFee
  • Liz Meza
  • Piotr Mikrut
  • Katie Mitzner
  • Kathy Morris
  • Nuance
  • Anne Oden
  • Robin Ordan
  • Laura O'Rourke
  • Jen Orrico
  • Nancy Pellizzari
  • Camila Poggi
  • Mary Portell Kaiser
  • Julia Posluns
  • Anne Powers
  • Xerxes Price
  • Jeff & Karen Raizen
  • Peter & Marilyn Rasmussen
  • Margaret Riehl
  • Alexandra Robertson
  • Lisa Rose
  • Burton & Fredda Sage
  • Mariam Saleeb
  • Jorge Sanchez-Ramirez & Irina Borovskaya
  • Sargent & Lundy
  • Cynthia Schuch & Michael Lynch
  • Jessica Scordato
  • Neda Sharifaei
  • Karen Shields
  • Caroline & Allen Shoenberger
  • Gail Siegel
  • Gillian Siegel & Steven Gillman
  • Nick Spencer
  • Kyle Sron
  • Susan Stodolsky
  • Mollie Stone & Patty Cuyler
  • Kyle Sweeney
  • Staci & Gregory Tober
  • Sarah Toney
  • Benjamin Treves
  • Alex Tyson
  • Veronica Vazquez Olivieri
  • Aviva Wang
  • Mark Weber
  • Rosemary Wendt
  • Kristin Westfall
  • Melvin Woody
  • Margaret Zero
  • View More

    Foundation Grants

  • American Legion Child Welfare Foundation
  • The Turano Foundation
  • In-Kind Donations

  • Caroline Haider
  • Matching Gifts Companies

  • Abbott Laboratories
  • Aon Foundation
  • GivingForce Foundation
  • Nuance
  • Samsung Electronics America, Inc
  • Sargent & Lundy
  • The Boeing Company
  • Zoller Swanson & Co
  • Workplace Giving Campaigns

  • America's Best Local Charities
  • CDK
  • Combined Federal Campaign
  • CoreLogic
  • Deloitte
  • PwC US and Mexico
  • Samsung Electronics America, Inc
  • Sargent & Lundy
  • UL Employee Giving Program
  • WEC Energy Group
  • Auction & Raffle Prize Donors

  • Altitude Chicago
  • Art Institute of Chicago
  • Best in Chow Food Tours
  • Brooklyn Boulders
  • Carol's Pub
  • Casati's restaurant
  • Chicago a cappella
  • Chicago Blackhawks
  • Chicago Kids Company
  • Chicago Symphony Orchestra
  • Chicago White Sox
  • Chicago Zoological Society/Brookfield Zoo
  • Chill Anywhere
  • Cindy Shanholtz
  • Circus Vazquez
  • Corboy & Demetrio
  • Court Theatre
  • Cruz Blanca
  • David Zivan
  • FFC Old Town
  • Field Museum
  • First Ascent Climbing & Fitness
  • First Folio Theatre
  • GATX
  • Illinois Sports Facilities Authority
  • Instituto Cervantes of Chicago
  • International Museum of Surgical Science
  • Joe's Bar
  • Joffrey Ballet
  • Kohl Children's Museum of Greater Chicago
  • Latin Rhythms
  • Laura Nikolovska
  • Lifeline Theatre
  • Lisa Turano
  • Little Beans Cafe
  • Lou Malnati's Pizzeria
  • Meson Sabika & Tapas Valencia
  • Museum of Contemporary Photography
  • Music Box Theatre
  • Navy Pier
  • Northbrook Park District
  • Porchlight Theatre
  • Remy Bumppo Theatre Company
  • Robert Campbell Fine Portraiture
  • Shane's Foundation
  • Shedd Aquarium
  • Six Flags Great America
  • Solera Health
  • Steppenwolf Theatre
  • Susan Nied
  • Taste Buds Kitchen
  • The Actors Gymnasium
  • Theater Wit
  • TimeLine Theatre Company
  • Wines for Humanity
  • Zanies Comedy Club
  • We Need You!

    Read below for ways that you can get involved and help KID fight for product safety

    Tell Your Story

    KID only learns of some dangerous products from families whose children have experienced an incident with a hazardous product, or in the worst cases, been injured or killed—please share with KID your experience with products. We can help you make an impact on product safety for today’s children.

    Contact Us


    KID is the voice for parents in standards setting, CPSC hearings, and every day as we work to make products safer. Add your voice by joining our KID Action Team to receive monthly emails to take action in your community to protect children. Together we are stronger.

    Advocate Now

    Volunteer or Intern

    KID is a small but mighty organization. Our volunteers and interns expand our work to have a real impact. You can work remotely on projects or help with our virtual events. We need great people like you. Pass our message to potential volunteers or interns that you may know.

    Sign Up Today


    KID would not be here without the support of people like you who want to see change and a safer world. Make a one-time gift, join our GEM (Give Every Month) Club for sustaining support, make a planned gift, or give in other ways.


    Matching Donations

    Thousands of companies match donations made by their employees to organizations like KID. You can check if your company participates here, and please let us know once you've submitted your matching gift request here. Contact KID if you would like additional information.


    Join Our Board

    Be a leader at KID. Bring your skills, expertise, and networks to our Executive Board or support KID and gain valuable board experience on our Young Professionals Board. Contact us for more information.

    Contact Us

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