It’s Halloween on Sunday and here are some tips to keep your children safe and happy during this spooky season.

Costumes might be the number one priority for kids (perhaps after candy). Drawstrings pose a strangulation hazard to children and are prohibited in children’s outerwear like sweatshirts and jackets. If your child’s costume came with drawstrings, remove them and they’re good to go.

Your child’s costume should fit properly. Look out for long pieces of loose fabric that could potentially trip your child or catch on fire from a Jack-o’-lantern or other open flame. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), 27% of Halloween-related injuries are due to falls. Replacing full-covering masks with non-toxic face paint can also prevent risk of falling or not seeing other hazards such as cars or bikes. Test the paint on a small patch of skin before use in case of a possible allergic reaction.

Have your child use reflective tape or a reflective vest, since this allows children to be more visible to cars when crossing streets. Another way to light up the way is to use flashlights or glow sticks. Stay away from lit candles to carry or on porches as they might catch passing children’s costumes on fire.

Every year there are recalls of Halloween items – some after the holiday has already passed. Check to see if your costumes or decorations have been recalled at, and read the CPSC’s Halloween safety tips here. Follow us on Instagram to view our recent Halloween safety tip reels. We hope you have a safe and happy Halloween!