
KID’s Grandparent Outreach Project is named in honor of Debby Sayah. Her grandson, Andy, was suffocated on a foam sleep positioner in 2001. This program is the legacy of Andy and all of the children who’ve been injured or killed by unsafe children’s products.

Grandparents are one of the greatest resources when it comes to keeping their grandchildren safe. They can make invaluable partners to busy parents by taking the time to search the products their grandchildren use for recalls and safety concerns. Below, we have complied a set of resources that we would love grandparents to refer to first whenever a new product is bought, or there’s a question as to the safety of a current product.

How KID empowers grandparents

KID has a webpage dedicated solely to our resources for grandparents, including links to our Debby Sayah Outreach Program, the Are Your Grandchildren Safe? brochure, and more. KID recognizes grandparents as important sources of wisdom and guidance in grandchildren’s lives, and we want to give them as many resources as possible to help empower them to keep their grandchildren safe.

CPSC and the importance of checking ALL products

Visit the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) website for updated information about recalls, product hazards, and information flyers and videos. Check out their flyer about providing a safe environment for grandchildren here. While a grandchild might only spend a few nights a year in their grandparent’s house, every product in that house should be inspected as thoroughly as any product at home. See our post on Travel Tot’s blog for more information about keeping children safe away from their primary home.’s safety reviews

Learn more about on the KID blog, and visit the website for consumer reports concerning product safety. You can also report unsafe products at If there’s an incident with a grandchild’s toy, crib or other product, write a report and help inform other grandparents and parents about the possible danger. And unlike online review websites, these reports are verified for accuracy before being published, making it a trustworthy source of information.

Sign up for KID email alerts

Sign up here for the KID email alert, which will deliver information about recent recalls and KID news to your inbox. Also, visit from your mobile device and you can search for recalls on the go.

Share KID’s message

You can spread the word by forwarding the KID alert emails to parents and grandparents and telling them to visit our website. If you’re a member of a grandparent community and would like to host KID’s Safe From the Start workshop, please contact us.

Grandparents are vital to the safety of their grandchildren. Whether a grandparent takes care of their grandchild full time or only sees them occasionally, they play a big role in ensuring the safety of the products their grandchild uses. Today, KID honors all grandparents and urges them to continue to stay informed about recalls and children’s product safety, so that together we can all keep children safe.

Don’t forget to #DoSomethingGrand on #GrandparentsDay