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This Month's Recall Digest (English & Spanish)
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  • KID Looks Ahead to 2017

    Posted on January 6, 2017

    Throughout the year, KID highlights major events, successes, and product safety updates in our blog. Looking back at posts from 2016 shows how far we’ve come this year. KID’s Executive Director, Nancy Cowles, visited the Dr. Oz show to discuss the… Read More

  • KID Celebrates Safe Toys and Gifts Month

    Posted on December 13, 2016

    The Holidays are officially upon us! As you celebrate this special time with your loved ones, make sure safety stays a priority. December is Safe Toys and Gifts Month, and in order to celebrate, we have pulled together some helpful… Read More

  • AAP Updates Safe Sleep Recommendations

    Posted on October 28, 2016

    The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has released a new report — SIDS and Other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths: Updated 2016 Recommendations for a Safe Infant Sleeping Environment — containing an updated list of nineteen safe sleep recommendations to help prevent infant… Read More

  • #FamilyVoicesFriday: Preston’s Story

    Posted on February 18, 2016

    On April 8, 2010, 7 week-old Preston died from suffocation in his crib. Preston rolled out of his sleep positioner and into the bumper pad in his crib and consequently smothered to death. This week, Preston would have celebrated his… Read More

  • KID, Dr. Oz urge parents and caregivers to #saynotobumpers

    Posted on January 21, 2016

    Just finished watching myself on the Dr. Oz show – never an experience I expected to have – but I was thrilled to have the opportunity to share information on the dangers of crib bumper pads. New research  about the… Read More

  • Let’s take some big steps for safety this month

    Posted on September 24, 2015

    September is Baby Safety Month. It was originally named such by the Juvenile Products Manufacturer’s Association as a campaign with retailers to focus on nursery products and safety.  But others now embrace the opportunity to talk safety with parents and… Read More

  • Illinois Bumper Pad Ban Moves to Senate: Your Help Needed

    Posted on April 22, 2015

    On April 22, 2015 HB 3761 (McAsey) passed the Illinois House. This bill bans the sale of crib bumper pads in Illinois (already banned in Chicago). An amazing coalition of organizations came together to make this possible. Virtually every health… Read More

  • Support HB3761 (McAsey): The Illinois Crib Bumper Pad Ban

    Posted on April 1, 2015

    On March 24th KID and 25 other health and safety organizations headed down to Springfield, IL in order to support Representative McAsey’s crib bumper pad ban (HB3671). With the support of these like-minded safety organizations, KID helped successfully push HB3761… Read More

  • Add-On Mattresses and Other Products Your Baby Doesn’t Need

    Posted on February 24, 2015

    NBC Chicago Investigates recently interviewed KID Director, Nancy Cowles, about the dangers of supplemental or add-on mattresses for play-yards. Little known to many parents, these add-on mattresses are not held to the strong safety standards created for play-yard manufacturers but… Read More

  • Product Safety Trends for 2015

    Posted on January 5, 2015

    The New Year has arrived, and KID’s resolution is to continue protecting children from dangerous products. We are excited for all of the possibilities that 2015 brings for us! This year, you can expect to see KID working on… Protecting… Read More

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