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  • Sledding: Tips for Safety on the Hills

    Posted on December 6, 2018

    Winter is here and that means snow, sledding, and unfortunately, potential for related injuries. As a popular winter pastime for our little ones, sledding injuries send thousands of kids and teens to hospital emergency rooms each year. Head injuries are the… Read More

  • CPSC & Britax Settlement is Bad News for Consumers

    Posted on November 26, 2018

    KID is disappointed that the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) settled an administrative lawsuit with Britax Child Safety, Inc. involving B.0.B. jogging strollers.  The settlement is vastly too weak and fails to protect consumers. The CPSC filed the lawsuit… Read More

  • Travel Safety Tips During the Holidays

    Posted on November 16, 2018

    It’s the smell of a fresh cooked meal and hanging out with friends and family that excites all of us in anticipation of the holidays! Many of us travel to family and friend’s homes to enjoy these delicious eats. The… Read More

  • Join Us on #GivingTuesday

    Posted on

    Similar to previous years, KID is joining charities across the world to participate in #GivingTuesday on November 27, 2018. On this annual day of giving, people across the globe support causes and missions that are close to their heart. In… Read More

  • Meet our new Assistant Director, Dev!

    Posted on November 14, 2018

    KID is excited to welcome our new assistant director, Dev Gowda. Learn more about Dev and why he’s excited to join the KID team. My name is Dev and I’m thrilled to join KID as the new assistant director. I’ve… Read More

  • Consumer Reports tests dressers under 30 inches

    Posted on November 5, 2018

    Just because a dresser is lower than others, doesn’t mean it’s safer. A new article from Consumer Reports investigates a potentially lethal loophole in pre-market stability tests. According to the article, dressers sold in the United States that are 30… Read More

  • KID Releases New Halloween Report

    Posted on November 2, 2018

    Halloween: a night full of spooky thrills and fun after dark, but parents can’t forget the hazards that can surround the holiday,. Last week, KID released a new report, entitled Safety Scare! Halloween Product Recalls, Reports, and Injuries along with a… Read More

  • Meet KID’s Fall Team

    Posted on October 25, 2018

    Each school year, KID gets a new team of interns to help get our message out and fight for children’s product safety.  We already introduced you to Sabina Hanani last month.  Here’s more from this year’s crew in their own… Read More

  • #FamilyVoicesFriday: Danny Lineweaver

    Posted on October 11, 2018

    As we recognize the 25th anniversary of Danny Lineweaver’s death, we remember that his crib-related incident is just one of many that occur each year, nearly 40 of which are fatal annually according to the US Consumer Product and Safety… Read More

  • An international intern’s experience at KID

    Posted on October 1, 2018

    My name is Martin. I am from Switzerland and studied for two months at EF Language School Chicago. To practice my English and connect with local people, I decided to combine the language school with an internship or volunteering. So,… Read More

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