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This Month's Recall Digest (English & Spanish)
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  • #FamilyVoicesFriday: Remembering Bobby

    Posted on January 26, 2018

    When Bobby was just six months old, he was fatally entrapped and strangled by the rail of his drop-side crib. Today, this post is dedicated to Bobby and the work his family has done to ensure that no other family… Read More

  • Buy and Sell Safely on National Thrift Shop Day

    Posted on August 17, 2017

    Today KID celebrates National Thrift Shop Day. Thrift shops are important community resources in that they offer discounted items, more sustainable shopping options, and encourage donation over disposal. However, not all used items are safe to use, especially for children…. Read More

  • Abigail, Danny L, Jamie, Liam (Over 12 Million Cribs Recalled since 2007)

    Posted on August 27, 2015

    More infants die every year in cribs than from any other nursery product. There are many reasons why a child can die or be injured by a crib– today we are highlighting the stories of four. Abigail’s crib rails came… Read More

  • Illinois Bumper Pad Ban Moves to Senate: Your Help Needed

    Posted on April 22, 2015

    On April 22, 2015 HB 3761 (McAsey) passed the Illinois House. This bill bans the sale of crib bumper pads in Illinois (already banned in Chicago). An amazing coalition of organizations came together to make this possible. Virtually every health… Read More

  • Most-read posts on KID’s blog this year

    Posted on November 3, 2014

    Below are the topics of some of the most popular blog posts over this past year. Is there a topic you would like to know more about that KID has not posted about yet? Then please email Carson and we will… Read More

  • Don’t learn about recalls from your grandkids: KID’s resource guide for grandparents

    Posted on September 4, 2014

    Grandparents are one of the greatest resources when it comes to keeping their grandchildren safe. They can make invaluable partners to busy parents by taking the time to search the products their grandchildren use for recalls and safety concerns. Below,… Read More

  • Babies in Boxes? Finland’s method for combating infant mortality

    Posted on July 22, 2014

    Cribs are possibly the most important investment a parent can make in their child’s safety. Cribs are the only product that a parent is meant to leave their child in alone and unsupervised. In America, there is a huge market… Read More

  • E*TRADE Baby Retires to a Safer Crib

    Posted on April 3, 2014

    This past March, E*TRADE trotted out its favorite mascot for his final commercial. While many people appear saddened by the E*TRADE Baby’s resignation, Safe Sleep advocates like KID couldn’t help but happily notice that E*TRADE Baby’s last crib was a… Read More

  • Support the Illinois Crib Bumper Pad Ban

    Posted on March 14, 2014

    Update: HR 5348(McAsey-Pihos) passed the Illinois House Consumer Protection Committee on 3/25 by a vote of 9-5.  Illinois residents can call their House of Representatives member and urge support.   Representative McAsey proposed a bill, HB5348, to ban bumper pads… Read More

  • Join these moms to help keep kids safe

    Posted on October 14, 2013

    KID’s second annual Project Safe Child Fundraiser & Walkathon will take place this Sunday, October 20, 2013 at Cedar Creek Park in Wantagh, New York. The event is organized by Michele and Susan in honor of their sons, Tyler and Bobby, who both tragically lost… Read More

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