KID News
KID provides brief updates on current children’s product safety information and events.

For more frequent news, visit the KID blog.
See Who is Carrying On KID’s Misson
December 2024 Groups and advocates step up to carry on KID’s Mission( Release PDF)
As KID Closes, Design Safety Toolkit Passes to ICPHSO
December 2024 As KID Closes, Design Safety Toolkit Passes to ICPHSO( Release PDF)
Kids In Danger Closing its Doors by End of 2024
November 2024 KID announces closure by end of 2024. (Release pdf)
Fisher-Price Recalls 2 Million Snuga Infant Swings After 5 Reported Deaths But Consumer Groups Demand More
October 2024 KID and CFA demand the company offer a full refund for the recall and warn parents to stop using the product. (Release pdf)
New KID Report and Consumer Survey Reveal Need for Improvements in Children’s Product Recall Process
September 2024 KID released two new reports looking to better assess recall effectiveness and consumer attitudes towards recalls. (Release pdf)
Congress Introduces Legislation to Ban Dangerous Infant Weighted Sleep Products
August 2024 KID, CFA, and Safe Infant Sleep applaud the introduction of the Safeguarding Infants from Dangerous Sleep Act. (Release pdf)
KID and Consumer Groups Submit Comments Regarding CPSC’s New Bassinet/Cradle Rule
August 2024 KID, CFA, and Safe Infant Sleep submit comments regarding the CPSC’s proposed new rule for bassinet/cradle safety. (Comments pdf)
Consumer Groups Applaud Decision to Hold Amazon Responsible for Certain Hazardous Products
July 2024 KID, CFA, and NCHR submit comments outlining safety concerns with electric bikes that the CPSC should consider while proposing a new safety rule. (Release pdf)
KID Submits Comments to CPSC Regarding E-bike Safety
May 2024 KID, CFA, and NCHR submit comments outlining safety concerns with electric bikes that the CPSC should consider while proposing a new safety rule. (Comments pdf)
Senate Introduces Esther’s Law to Protect Children from Deadly Water Beads
May 2024 U.S. Senators introduced Esther’s Law which will ban the sale of hazardous water beads which pose an ingestion and toxicity hazard. (Release pdf)
KID Testifies at CPSC’s Priorities Hearing to Stress Importance of Recall Effectiveness, Safe Sleep, and More
May 2024 Nancy Cowles testified at the CPSC to underscore importance of children’s product safety. (Testimony pdf)
Lawmaker Calls on FTC to Investigate Weighted Infant Sleep Product Manufacturers after Amazon Moves to Prohibit Weighted Infant Sleep Products
April 2024 Amazon and major retailers commit to stop selling hazardous weighted infant sleep products. (Release pdf)
Highest Number of Nursery Product Recalls in Over a Decade and First Water Beads Recall Since 2013
March 2024 Kids In Danger (KID) released a new report, Recall Radar: Nursery Product Recalls in 2023 Highest in Over a Decade, analyzing children’s products recalls in 2023. (Release pdf)
KID and Consumer Groups Submit Comments Regarding CPSC’s Infant Support Cushions Rule
March 2024 KID and consumer groups submitted comments to the CPSC regarding the agency’s proposed rule on infant support cushions. (Public Comments pdf)
KID Releases New Safety Courses for Children’s Product Designers
February 2024 KID launched Part 2 of the Design Safety Toolkit which includes masterclasses on Sleep, Play, At Home, and Out & About. (Release pdf)
Lawmakers Prioritize Consumer Safety and Introduce CAP Act
January 2024 Consumer groups support legislation from Senator Peter Welch and Representative Jan Schakowsky to increase Consumer Product Safety Commission civil penalties. (Release pdf)
Federal Agency Announces Recall of Faulty Furniture Restraint Kits
January 2024 Recalled furniture restraint kits pose a serious risk to children; Parent advocates and consumer groups urge consumers to act quickly (Release pdf)
KID and Consumer Groups Submit Comments Regarding CPSC’s Infant Rocker Rule
December 2023 KID and consumer groups submitted comments to the CPSC regarding the agency’s proposed rule on infant and infant/toddler rockers. (Public Comments pdf)
Amazon Removes Dangerous Play Yard Mattresses From Sale
December 2023 Amazon has removed over 150 illegal sellers of play yard mattresses from sale on its website. (Release)
Amazon, Walmart, Target, Etsy, and Others Make Commitments to Stop Selling Water Beads
December 2023 KID applauds e-commerce and big box retailers for announcing that they will stop selling water beads marketing as toys to children. (Blog)
KID and Consumer Groups Submit Comments Regarding CPSC’s Financial Disclosure Rule
November 2023 KID and other consumer groups submitted comments to the Consumer Product Safety Commission in support of the agency’s proposed rule regarding financial disclosure when testifying before the agency. (Public comments pdf)
KID’s Public Comments Regarding CPSC’s Proposed Nursing Pillows Rule
November 2023 KID submitted comments to the Consumer Product Safety Commission in support of the agency’s proposed rule regarding nursing pillows. (Public comments pdf)
New Safety Standards Go Into Effect Tomorrow That Wil Prevent Child Injury and Death from Dresser Tip-Overs
August 2023 The STURDY Act goes into effect tomorrow which will prevent dresser tip-overs. Parents and caregivers should ask whether dressers comply with the new ASTM standard before purchasing new furniture and continue to anchor furniture. (Release pdf)
Parent Advocates and Consumer Groups: Furniture Companies Have One Month to Comply with New Federal Safety Rule to Prevent Tip-Over Injuries to Children
August 2023 New standards for dressers and other clothing storage units are mandatory as of September 1; Failure to comply means leaving children’s lives at risk. (Release pdf)
Children’s Product Safety Organization, Kids In Danger, Commemorates 25th Anniversary
June 2023 KID was founded after the death of Danny Keysar from poorly-designed, recalled portable crib in 1998, leading to monumental child safety protections. (Release pdf)
Chicago Sun-Times Article about KID’s founding as KID commemorates 25th anniversary.
June 2023 The Chicago Sun-Times interviews KID founders Linda Ginzel and Boaz Keysar who talk about their son Danny’s death in a hazardous, recalled portable crib in 1998, and how KID has made children’s products safer over the past 25 years. (Article)
CPSC votes to adopt ASTM dresser standard as mandatory rule to prevent tip-over deaths
April 2023 KID and CFA applaud the CPSC’s vote today to adopt the ASTM F2057-23 furniture stability standard as mandatory under the requirements of the Stop Tip-overs of Unstable, Risky Dressers on Youth (STURDY) Act (Release pdf)
CPSC calls on Meta and Mattel to Take Action to Remove Deadly Rock ‘n Play Sleepers from Sale and Homes
April 2023 KID applauds U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Chair Alex Hoehn-Saric for calling on Meta and Mattel to take more action to remove Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play sleepers from homes and secondary marketplaces. (Release pdf)
New KID Report: High Number of Children’s Products Recalled Due to Excessive Levels of Lead, Violations of Federal Flammability Rules
March 2023 New KID report finds highest number of children’s product recalls since 2013 (Release pdf).
Peloton Fined $19 Million After Child Death from Tread+
January 2023 The CPSC announced a $19 million civil penalty against Peloton for failure to immediately report incidents and injuries on the Peloton Tread+ treadmill and for knowingly distributing recalled treadmills. (Release pdf).
Congress Passes STURDY Act to Prevent Furniture Tip-over Deaths
December 2022 Congress passed The Stop Tip-overs of Unstable, Risky Dressers on Youth (STURDY) Act, which was included in the omnibus bill. (Release pdf).
Consumer Watchdog Agency Warns About DockATot Infant Loungers
November 2022 Statement from Consumer Federation of America and Kids In Danger on Unsafe Infant Sleep Products (Release).
CPSC Cuts Cords: Unanimous Decision For Two Lifesaving Window Covering Rules
November 2022 Statement from Consumer Federation of America, Parents for Window Blind Safety, and Kids In Danger on CPSC Vote to Pass Final Window Covering Rules (Release).
Consumer Watchdog Agency Passes Rule to Protect Children from Furniture Tip-overs
October 2022 Statement from Consumer Federation of America and Kids In Danger on CPSC Vote to Pass Clothing Storage Unit Rule (Release).
KID releases report on summer product safety and recalls.
August 2022 KID released a report Summer Safety: Product Injury Patterns for Children, identifying summer product recalls. (Report).
KID speaks at Chicago press conference celebrating Reese’s Law passage.
August 2022 KID joined Rep. Robin Kelly, Illinois PIRG, and Reese’s Purpose at Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago to celebrate the passage of Reese’s Law and to spread awareness of the dangers of button and coin cell battery ingestion. (Release).
U.S. Court of Appeals upholds CPSC’s Infant Sleep Product Rule.
August 2022 KID and CFA applaud the U.S. Court of Appeals decision to upload the CPSC’s Infant Sleep Product Rule which will protect infant from unsafe products such as inclined sleep products and in-bed sleepers. (Release).
Congress passes Reese’s Law which will help prevent button and coin cell battery ingestion.
August 2022 The U.S. Senate passed Reese’s Law which will help prevent child deaths and injuries from button and coin cell battery ingestion. The U.S. House passed the bill earlier, and now President Biden needs to sign it into law. (Release).
KID launches Design Safety Toolkit.
July 2022 KID launched the Design Safety Toolkit, a free online course to provide product designers, entrepreneurs, and children’s product companies with the information and tools they need to apply a design safety mindset when developing and marketing children’s products. (Release).
U.S. Senate confirms Mary Boyle for CPSC Commissioner.
June 2022 The U.S. Senate confirmed President Biden’s nominee for CPSC Commissioner Mary Boyle. Read KID and CFA’s joint statement. (Statement).
CPSC warns against infant rockers for sleep after 14 reported deaths.
June 2022 The CPSC issued a warning against using infant rockers, swings, gliders, and other inclined products for sleep after at least 14 infant died from Fisher-Price and Kids2 rockers. (Statement).
President Biden signs Sleep Sleep for Babies Act into Law.
May 2022 President Biden signed the Safe Sleep for Babies Act into law. The Act will ban infant inclined sleep products and padded crib bumper pads, which have led to dozens of infant deaths. KID thanks President Biden and the members of Congress who sponsored the legislation. (Statement).
Senate Committee passes STURDY Act and Reese’s Law.
May 2022 The Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee passed the STURDY Act and Reese’s Law. The STURDY Act would require the CPSC to create a strong, mandatory rule to prevent furniture tip-overs, and Reese’s Law would mandate the CPSC to create a rule to protect children from button cell and coin battery ingestion. KID calls on the full Senate to pass both bills. (Statement).
KID applauds Senate for passing the Safe Sleep for Babies Act.
May 2022 The Senate passed the Safe Sleep for Babies Act which will ban the manufacture or sale of padded crib bumper pads and infant inclined sleep products which have led to dozens of infant deaths. KID and CFA applaud the bipartisan voice vote and call on President Biden to sign the bill into law. (Statement).
KID applauds Senate for passing the Safe Cribs Act to protect infants.
March 2022 The Senate passed the Safe Cribs Act which would ban the manufacture or sale of padded crib bumper pads which have led to dozens of infant deaths. KID and CFA applaud the bipartisan vote and call on the U.S. House to pass the bill. (Statement).
KID releases annual report analyzing children’s product recalls from 2021.
March 2022 KID’s annual report Tracking Trends found an alarmingly high number of deaths (14) prior to recall, which was the second highest amount of deaths in the past 10 years. KID warns parents about magnet ingestion hazard and nursery products that lead to suffocation. (Release; Report)
KID and CFA support CPSC decision to file complaint against Leachco over defective infant loungers.
February 2022 KID and CFA released a statement applauding CPSC for filing a complaint against Leachco, calling on the company to recall its infant loungers after two reported deaths. The company has refused to recall the products. (Statement).
KID and consumer groups applaud CPSC for finalizing life-saving crib mattress rule.
January 2022 KID, CFA, Safe Infant Sleep, and Keeping Babies Safe release statement applauding CPSC for unanimously voting to finalize crib mattress rule that will help prevent infant sleep deaths. (Statement).
KID joins 90 consumer, health, and labor organizations calling on Senate to confirm CPSC Commissioner nominee.
January 2022 KID and dozens of other national and local consumer, health, and labor organizations call on the U.S. Senate to confirm President Biden’s nominee for CPSC Commissioner, Mary Boyle. (Letter).
KID and CFA warn parents about Leachco infant loungers after two reported deaths.
January 2022 KID and CFA release statement about CPSC’s warning to parents about Leachco loungers after two infant deaths were reported. (Statement).
KID and CFA applaud CPSC’s vote to move clothing storage unit rule forward.
January 2022 KID and CFA release statement supporting the CPSC’s unanimous vote to move forward with clothing storage rule that would help prevent furniture tip-overs. (Statement).
KID and consumer groups welcome CPSC actions to keep children safe from residential elevator risks.
January 2022 KID, CFA and Consumer Reports release statement praising CSPC for announcing recall of home elevators and issuing warning about gaps between elevator doors that can lead to injury or death if children get trapped. (Statement).
KID and consumer groups file brief in support of CPSC’s Infant Sleep Rule.
December 2021 KID, CFA and Consumer Reports file amicus brief urging court to upload CPSC’s infant sleep safety standard. (Statement).
STURDY Act reintroduced in U.S. Senate with broad support.
November 2021 KID and consumer groups applaud the reintroduction of the STURDY Act in the Senate which would help prevent furniture tip-overs. (Release).
KID’s statement on the Senate’s confirmation of Richard Trumka Jr. for CPSC Commissioner.
November 2021 KID applauds the U.S. Senate confirmation of Mr. Trumka for CPSC Commissioner and looks forward to working with him and his team. (Release).
KID’s statement on the recall of 3.3 million units of the Boppy Company loungers.
September 2021 KID’s statement on the Boppy Company’s recall of 3.3 million loungers after eight infant deaths were reported. (Release).
KID will honor Dr. Erin Mannen for her infant sleep research at annual BFA Night.
September 2021 KID will hold our annual Best Friend Award Night on September 29, 2021, and will honor Dr. Erin Mannen of Boise State University for her groundbreaking infant sleep research that has led to policy changes and saved lives. (Release).
KID announces the appointment of three new board members.
September 2021 KID is excited to announce that Prashanth Kamath, Brendan Keefe and Dr. Ben Hoffman have joined KID’s board to help us fight for children’s product safety. (Read more).
KID applauds President’s nominees for CPSC Chair and Commissioner.
July 2021 President Biden nominated Alex Hoehn-Saric as Chairman and Mary Boyle as Commissioner of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. KID applauds the President’s nominees. (Statement).
U.S. House passes STURDY Act and Safe Sleep for Babies Act of 2021.
June 2021 In an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote, the U.S. House passed the STURDY Act and Safe Sleep for Babies Act of 2021 which will prevent furniture tip-overs and ban inclined sleepers and crib bumper pads. Read our KID’s joint statement with Consumer Federation of America and Public Citizen. (Statement).
KID joins nonprofits and industry groups calling for more funding for CPSC.
June 2021 KID joined 23 other nonprofits, advocacy groups, and industry associations in calling for Congress to increase funding for the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission so the agency can adequately fulfil its mission. (Letter).
KID releases statement applauding CPSC for voting to pass Infant Sleep Product Rule.
June 2021 KID joined AAP, CFA, Public Citizen, Safe Infant Sleep, and U.S. PIRG applauding the CPSC for voting to pass the Infant Sleep Product Rule which will prevent babies from getting injured and dying from unsafe sleep products. (Statement).
KID joins consumer, medical groups in support of Safe Sleep for Babies Act.
May 2021 KID joined 46 other consumer, medical, and safe sleep groups calling on the U.S. House to pass the Safe Sleep for Babies Act, which would ban crib bumper pads and infant inclined sleep products which have led to dozes of infant deaths. (Letter).
KID releases report analyzing incident reports made to
May 2021 KID’s report shows that children’s product incident reports published on the CPSC’s consumer database dropped 55% from 2012 to 2019, showing that the database is not being used as much as it could be. (Release; Report).
KID, CFA, and Public Citizen’s statement on Peloton Tread+ treadmill recall.
May 2021 Statement from consumer groups after Peloton and CPSC recalled the Tread+ treadmill after reports of one death and over 70 incidents. (Statement).
Peloton recalls Tread+ treadmill after over 70 incidents and one death.
May 2021 KID’s statement on the Peloton Tread+ treadmill recall. One child died and the CPSC knows of over 70 other incidents. (Statement).
KID calls on U.S. Senators to support the Safe Cribs Act.
April 2021 KID calls on Senators to support the Safe Cribs Act which would ban crib bumper pads which have led to dozens of infant deaths. (Letter).
Medical, consumer, and public health groups support safe sleep bills.
April 2021 KID joined 58 other national and state groups to support the Safe Cribs Act and Safe Sleep Act which would ban dangerous crib bumper pads and infant inclined sleep products, respectively. (Letter).
Legislation introduced to repeal secrecy clause at CPSC
April 2021 KID joins with Consumer Federation of America and Public Citizen in supporting new legislation to repeal Section 6(b) which limits CPSC’s ability to warn consumers about dangerous products. (Release).
KID testifies at CPSC’s FY2022 Agenda and Priorities Hearing.
April 2021 KID offers recommendations for CPSC to prioritize children’s product safety issues such as furniture tip-overs, inclined sleepers, ingestion hazards, and more. (Testimony).
KID’s new report finds inclined sleepers, unstable furniture, and lead-tainted products lead children’s product recalls in 2020.
March 2021 KID releases annual report on children’s product recalls and offers policy recommendations. (Report; Release).
KID joins 83 consumer and health organizations calling on Congress to pass STURDY Act.
March 2021 STURDY Act would prevent children from dying and getting injured from furniture tip-overs. (Letter to Senate; Letter to House).
Injuries related to some products rose during pandemic, even as overall ER visits dropped. From new CPSC report.
March 2021 KID, CFA, and Public Citizen warn consumers of hazards at home exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. (Release).
KID and consumer groups applaud infusion of funding for CPSC in COVID-19 relief budget reconciliation legislation.
February 2021 The legislation provides an additional $50 million for the CPSC to address COVID-19-related product safety issues including surveillance, monitoring, awareness, communications, and data collection efforts. (Release).
KID and safe sleep organizations and individuals sign letter supporting CPSC’s NPR regarding crib mattresses.
January 2021 KID and 44 other organizations and individuals advocating for safe sleep practices signed a letter to the CPSC in support of a proposed rule regarding crib mattresses. (Letter).
KID and consumer and health groups send product safety memo to Present-elect Biden’s transition team.
November 2020 KID joined Public Citizen, CFA, U.S. PIRG, Consumer Reports, AAP, and Cuneo Gilbert & LaDuca and sent a memo to President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team outlining our priorities related to product safety issues such as safe sleep and furniture tip-over prevention. (Memo).
KID joins consumer, health, and medical groups in calling on Senators to pass STURDY Act.
September 2020 KID and 31 other national and state consumer, health, and medical groups call on U.S. Senators to pass the STURDY Act to prevent child tip-over deaths and injuries. (Letter).
KID submits comments for CPSC’s priorities hearing
May 2020 KID Executive Director Nancy Cowles submitted testimony for the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s hearing on agenda and priorities FY2021 and FY2022. (Testimony).
Consumer groups applaud CPSC for moving to get padded crib bumpers off the market
March 2020 KID, CFA, CR, Public Citizen, and PIRG commended the CPSC for voting to move forward a proposal to get padded crib bumper pads off the market. Padded bumper pads have led to dozens of infant deaths due to suffocation and SUID. (Release).
KID, CFA, US PIRG create consumer guide detailing common hazards at home during COVID-19
March 2020 While many American cities and states have official “shelter-at-home” policies in place and millions of parents are working from home while caring for children, KID released a consumer guide to alert parents and caregivers about common childhood hazards as families are sequestered during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Release) (Guide).
KID releases annual recall report finding dozens of children died from 2019 recalled products.
March 2020 KID released its annual report Seeking Safety: 2019 Children’s Product Recalls, analyzing trends in children’s product recalls and offers recommendations for the CPSC and manufacturers to increase recall effectiveness. This year’s report highlights large number of deaths from inclined sleepers, furniture tip-over recalls, and the fact that CPSC has been lagging in posting about recalls on social media. (Release) (Report).
KID and consumer safety groups applaud new recalls and call on parents to stop using infant inclined sleepers.
January 2020 KID, Consumer Reports, CFA, and U.S. PIRG warned parents and caregivers to immediately stop using all infant inclined sleep products, as the CPSC and four companies — Delta Children, Evenflo, Graco, and Summer Infant — announced the recall of more than 165,000 of the sleepers. (Statement).
KID and safety advocacy groups alerted consumers to immediately stop using the SwaddleMe By Your Bed Sleeper due to suffocation risk.
January 2020 KID, CFA, Consumer Reports, Public Citizen, and U.S. PIRG are warning consumers about the inclined sleeper after the CPSC issued a warning to parents and caregivers to stop using the SwaddleMe By Your Bed Sleeper. (Statement).
KID and consumer organizations praise introduction of House bill to improve communication of vital health and safety information to the public.
January 2020 U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush introduced the SHARE Information Act which would amend Section 6(b) of the Consumer Product Safety Act to remove obstacles that prevent the CPSC from communicating product safety information to the public. (Statement).
KID and consumer and medical organizations applaud U.S. House for passing law to protect infants from dangerous products.
December 2019 The U.S. House passed the Safe Sleep for Babies Act of 2019 in a bipartisan vote. The law would ban dangerous infant inclined sleep products and padded crib bumper pads which have killed dozens of infants. (Statement).
KID and safety advocates call on U.S. government to protect infants and toddlers during holiday shopping season.
November 2019 Two recent news articles in the Washington Post and USA Today highlight the dangers consumers and their families face when authorities charged with safeguarding products are too hesitant to act. (Statement).
KID, consumer, medical groups applaud CPSC for unanimously voting to move forward with a proposal to remove dangerous sleep products from the market.
October 2019 Proposal would adopt an Infant Sleep Product Standard that would essentially ban inclined sleep products and end the current practice of allowing new infant inclined sleep products to enter the market without safety testing. (Release).
KID and consumer and medical groups send letter to CPSC to protect children from dangerous inclined sleepers.
October 2019 KID, AAP, CFA, U.S. PIRG, and Public Citizen’s letter to CPSC Commissioners calling on the agency to pass infant inclined sleep products proposal and recall all infant inclined sleep products.
KID and coalition partners applaud CPSC proposal to remove dangerous sleep products from the market
October 2019 KID, AAP, CFA, U.S. PIRG, and Public Citizen urge CPSC to implement new standard and recall all infant inclined sleep products. (Release)
US House passes strong furniture tip-over prevention legislation
September 2019 KID and our allies applaud the passage of the STURDY Act to prevent furniture tip-overs. (Release)
KID research shows missed opportunities to reach consumers with recall news
September 2019 KID released new research that showed that only 65% of the recalling companies of children’s products had working information about the recall on their webpage. Even fewer used social media to reach consumers.
US PIRG and KID release research showing deadly recalled sleepers still in child care facilities
August 2019 US PIRG and KID released a survey of child care providers that showed one in ten had a recalled infant inclined sleeper in the facility months after the recall. Not enough is done to alert providers and parents.
KID’s statement calling on IKEA to get recalled dressers out of homes; three years after major recall.
June 2019 KID’s Executive Director Nancy Cowles released a statement on June 27, 2019, three years after IKEA’s major furniture recall, calling on the company to do more to get dangerous, recalled dressers out of home.
KID, CFA, CR, PAT, and Public Citizen hold press conference calling on IKEA to do more to get dangerous, recalled dressers out of homes
June 2019 KID held a press conference with Consumer Federation of America, Consumer Reports, Parents Against Tip-overs, and Public Citizen outside IKEA in New York City on June 27, 2019, three years after the major IKEA dresser recall. The groups called on IKEA to do more to get dangerous, recalled dressers out of homes, and called on Congress to pass the STURDY Act to prevent furniture tip-over deaths. Read the groups’ joint press release here.
KID, and consumer and child health groups release statement in support of Safe Cribs Act
June 2019 KID released a statement along with the American Academy of Pediatrics, Consumer Federation of America, and Consumer Reports in support of the Safe Cribs Act (H.R.3170 and S.1816), sponsored by Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) and Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) The Safe Cribs Act would ban the manufacture, import, and sale of crib bumper pads. Crib bumper pads have been linked to suffocation and dozens of infant deaths.
KID, AAP, CFA, and CR release statement in support of Safe Sleep Act
June 2019 KID released a statement along with the American Academy of Pediatrics, Consumer Federation of America, and Consumer Reports in support of the Safe Sleep Act (H.R.3172 and S.1767), sponsored by Rep. Tony Cárdenas (D-Calif.) and Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) The Safe Sleep Act would ban the manufacture, import, and sale of infant inclined sleep products. Infant inclined sleepers are deadly, and their design is inherently unsafe.
KID and consumer groups submit letter of support for NY crib bumper pad ban
May 2019 KID sent a letter to all members of the New York state Senate and Assembly along with Consumer Federation of America and Consumer Reports urging lawmakers to vote yes on S.3788-A / A.217-A to prohibit the sale of crib bumper pads and ban their use in child care facilities. Research shows that bumpers have been linked to dozens of infant injuries and deaths as a result of suffocation and strangulation.
KID and consumer groups comment on South Shore Furniture chest recall
May 2019 KID released a statement along with Consumer Federation of America, Consumer Reports, and Parents Against Tip-overs concerning today’s recall of over 300,000 units of South Shore Furniture chests. This is the first CPSC recall of a dresser or other clothing storage unit since September 2017, despite numerous dressers on the market that don’t stay upright when put through basic testing.
KID and other consumer groups release statement in support of the STURDY Act
May 2019 KID released a press release along with the American Academy of Pediatrics, Consumer Federation of America, Consumer Reports, Parents Against Tip-overs, and Public Citizen in support of the Stop Tip-Overs of Unstable, Risky Dressers on Youth (STURDY) Act of 2019 (H.R.2211), recently introduced by Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), as a needed step to help prevent more children from being injured and killed by furniture tip-overs.
KID on the recall of Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play Sleeper
April 2019 KID is relieved to see Fisher-Price recall all 4.7 million of the Rock ‘n Play Sleeper. That means it cannot be sold – new or used—legally. We urge consumers to participate in the recall and get this dangerous sleep product out of homes and child care facilities. However, we are disappointed with the quality of the remedy in this recall. It will not encourage full participation which should be the goal of a recall. We urge Fisher-Price to extend the time of the refund offer to a minimum of three years and increase the value of the vouchers to incentivize consumers to participate.
KID releases recall report analyzing 2018 children’s product recalls
March 2019 Key findings of the new report: the number of children’s product recalls in 2018 (52 recalls) decreased 44% from 2017 (93 recalls), the lowest in at least 10 years; CPSC and manufacturers posted recalls on Facebook at lower rates in 2018 compared to 2017; there were no furniture recalls in 2018 despite CPSC stating that one child dies every 10 days from a furniture or TV tip-over. Read more.
KID’s statement on misguided CPSC settlement with Britax regarding hazardous strollers
November 2018 KID released a statement along with CFA expressing disappointment with the CPSC’s recent settlement agreement with Britax concerning hazardous strollers. The terms of the settlement are bad for consumers – among other things, it doesn’t refer to this as an actual “recall” and the remedies are inadequate. Read more.
KID releases new report on Halloween product safety
October 2018 KID released a new report on hazardous Halloween products, both recalled and still on the market, as well as of injuries related to the night of the holiday itself. The report details the amount of Halloween product recalls in the past 10 years, consumer reports on dangerous Halloween related items, and data concerning minors injured or killed in motor-vehicle accidents on Halloween. Read more.
KID and other groups send letter on CPSC FY 19 Operating Plan
October 2018 KID joins with other consumer groups to send a letter to the CPSC highlighting our priorities in the Fiscal Year 2019 Operating Plan. The groups wrote of the importance of mandatory standards, work on furniture tip-over prevention and other priorities. Read more.
Today marks the 10th anniversary of landmark consumer safety legislation
AUGUST 2018 KID joins with other advocates to mark the 10th anniversary of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act. In the ten years since Danny’s Law was adopted, countless families have been saved heartache because safe cribs and other children’s products are on store shelves. Read more.
KID marks the 10th Anniversary of Danny’s Law
AUGUST 2018 KID was joined by Congressional Representatives Rush & Schakowsky and other child safety advocates to mark the 10th Anniversary of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA). In addition to recounting the safety achievements of the Act, KID released new research on the consumer database. Read more.
KID, advocates and parents call for more action on 2nd anniversary of IKEA recall
JUNE 2018 KID, Consumer Federation of America, Consumer Reports, Shane’s Foundation and parents mark the second anniversary of the recall of 27 million unstable dressers by calling for more action from IKEA and the CPSC. Read more.
KID joins other consumer groups to call for more action on dangerous incline sleepers
JUNE 2018 KID joined with the American Academy of Pediatrics, Consumer Federation of America, Consumer Reports and the Consumers Union to send a letter to the US CPSC Acting Chairman Buerkle, calling for greater transparency in inherently unsafe incline sleeping products. The groups also sought to remind the CPSC that their message on safe sleep should be clear: a bare crib is best and babies should be placed flat on their backs for sleep. Read more.
KID marks 20th anniversary and honors co-founders at 2018 Best Friend Award Night
MAY 2018 We are proud to be honoring our co-founders, Linda Ginzel and Boaz Keysar during our 20th anniversary year. Linda and Boaz founded KID after discovering that the death of their son Danny in a recalled portable crib was not an accident but the result of a flawed system. Devastated by the loss of their son and the injustice of the recall system, Linda and Boaz mobilized their grief into action. They founded KID in an effort to improve recall effectiveness and educate other parents about the dangers of unsafe children’s products. Read more.
KID testifies on CPSC priorities
APRIL 2018 KID testified at the US CPSC annual priorities hearing, an opportunity for organizations, businesses and individuals to give input into the CPSC’s priorities for the coming year. KID focused our comments on transparency, innovation and regulation; urging CPSC to improve use and function of, use innovation to get more recalled products out of homes and encourage better sharing of data with the public among other things. Read more.
New report shows jump in recalls, while incidents and injuries decrease
APRIL 2018 KID’s recent recall report evaluates trends in 2017 recalls and challenges to assessing the effectiveness of 2016 recalls. Though incidents and injuries decreased from a spike in 2016, adequate progress has not been made compared to decade averages. Read more.
KID joins with CFA to call for more action on deadly & unstable IKEA recalled dressers
November 2017 CPSC and IKEA reannounced the recall of IKEA dressers after reports of an 8th death. But KID and Consumer Federation of America are calling on both to do more to assure they reach families still using the deadly and unstable dressers in their homes. Read More.
Consumer groups call for more action after an eighth death from recalled IKEA dressers is announced
October 2017 KID has joined with other consumer groups in calling for the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and IKEA to take more action to remove deadly recalled IKEA Malm and other dressers from homes. An eighth death from the recalled dressers was made public today. A two-year-old boy in California died in May. Read More.
New report shows increases in the number of children’s products recalled for fire and burn hazards
September 2017 KID published a report on children’s products recalled for fire and burn hazards in the past 10 years to raise awareness and promote safety. In addition to reporting on dangerous products, Playing with Fire Hazards analyzes trends, such as the large number of products that are recalled for violating federal flammability standards and the emerging hazard of lithium-ion batteries. Read More.
Consumer groups call on IKEA and CPSC to increase efforts to retrieve dangerous dressers
June 2017 KID joined with Consumer Federation of America, Shane’s Foundation and parent advocate Janet McGee to send a letter to US CPSC Acting Chairman Buerkle, asking her to work with IKEA on the anniversary of the IKEA recall of 29 million dressers. The groups are looking for more efforts to retrieve millions of dangerous dressers. Read More.
Shawn Kasserman elected to lead Kids In Danger
June 2017 KID announces the election of Shawn Kasserman, Partner at Tomasik Kotin Kasserman as the organization’s president. Shawn has been committed to KID’s mission since the early days of the organization and continues to work passionately for our cause. Read More.
KID joins other safety groups urging consumers to use only hoverboards that meet the latest UL 2272 Standard
June 2017 KID, Safe Kids Worldwide, and the Consumer Federation of America advise consumers to continue to exercise caution when purchasing, using, storing or charging hoverboards. Hoverboard continue to present many safety hazards. Read More.
KID interns, staff publish peer-reviewed journal article on choking hazards
May 2017 KID’s former interns Athena Neofotistos and Ragini Sharma, along with KID ED Nancy Cowles have published a peer reviewed article in the International Journal of Pediatrics entitled, “Choking Hazards: Are Current Product Testing Methods for Small Parts Adequate?” Read More.
New report shows increase in recalls, injuries and deaths
April 2017 KID looked at recalls in 2016 and the effectiveness of recalls in 2015. The good news is no recalls of cribs for the first time in a decade and more use of social media to share recall information. Bad news — recalls, incidents and injuries all up. Read More.
Questions? Reach out to Nancy Cowles via email or call 312.595.0649
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